Noon CLE meetings are typically held at the Belo Mansion on the fourth Thursday of every month (with some exceptions).
For in person/live meetings, the members usually participate in a pre-meeting network activity 30 minutes before the CLE presentation begins.
We also host periodic breakfast CLE roundtable discussions at a North Dallas location on important IP topics.
Contact Information
If you have questions about the Intellectual Property Section in general, please contact the Section Chair:
Megan Hoyt
Senior Corporate Counsel
HomeVestors of America, Inc.
6500 Greenville Ave., Suite 400
Dallas, TX 75206
If you have questions or comments about the Website, please contact:
D. Scott Hemingway
Hemingway & Hansen LLP
1700 Pacific Avenue, Suite4800
Dallas, TX 75201
Phone: 214.292.8301
For a full list of Officers and Directors click here.
By Xato (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
Sheet music: "Beauiful Dreamer" by Stephen Foster
September 23, 2024 (Noon Zoom)
"What the USPTO’s AI Guidance Says About
the US Copyright Office’s AI Guidance"
Speaker: Chad Rutkowski
Topic: A Compare and Constrast of the
AI Guidance from the US Patent and
the US Copyright Office​​​